Bitàcora sobre la disciplina urbanística a les Illes Balears
Inicio > Historias > Sant Lluís: el TSJB confirma la anulación del interés general del parque acuático de Biniancolla

Sant Lluís: el TSJB confirma la anulación del interés general del parque acuático de Biniancolla

(Menorca, 11/09/2019)

Ahora queda apelar al Supremo para no tener que demoler la instalación e intentar evitar que el Consell pague una millonaria indemnización

Javier Gilabert. Los magistrados del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Balears (TSJB) ha desestimado el recurso interpuesto por el Consell, el Ayuntamiento de Sant Lluís y la sociedad Promoción y Desarrollo Turístico de Menorca S.L, propietaria del parque acuático de Biniancolla, contra la sentencia del pasado 28 de febrero que anulaba el interés general que la institución insular otorgó durante el mandato del PP a la construcción de esta instalación acuática aneja al Hotel Sur Menorca.

Los magistrados confirman los razonamientos de la magistrada del Juzgado número 1 de lo contencioso-adminsitrativo de Palma y dan la razón a la sociedad Delfines Centre Sport S.L., propietaria del parque acuático Aquacenter, quien primero intentó un recurso de alzada contra la resolución del Consell y luego recurrió a los tribunales al entender injusto que se permitiera levantar un parque acuático en un terreno rústico protegido.

El tribunal vuelve a recurrir a la Ley del Suelo Rústico y también analiza la Ley Turística y concluye que no está justificado que se puedan superar los parámetros urbanísticos para una instalación que, consideran, provoca un impacto letal para la flora y fauna de la zona y no puede demostrarse que contribuya a la desestacionalización de la actividad turística.

A la parte demandante, el Consell, la propiedad del parque y el Ayuntamiento de Sant Lluís, les queda ahora el recurso de casación ante el Tribunal Supremo si quieren evitar que la sentencia se ejecute y se termine teniendo que demoler la instalación, lo que buen seguro se derivaría en una millonaria reclamación por parte de la empresa.

Referencias (TrackBacks)

URL de trackback de esta historia http://disurbia.blogalia.com//trackbacks/78003


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De: Alicante Fecha: 2019-09-25 00:50

Cerrajeros Alicante a tu servicio

La cerrajería es una profesión tradicional que se comenzó enseñando de generación en generación, pero que con el transcurso de de las décadas fue requiriendo mayor especialización. En su totalidad, nuestros cerrajeros Alicante están enormemente preparados para cualquier tipo de trabajo y es que al contar con mucha experiencia en lo que hacen, podrán llevar a cabo cualquier trabajo de cerrajeria cuando y donde se necesite Alicante es una de las ciudades más destacadas de la provincia de Alicante donde poseen de una población de más de 200.000 mil vecinos. La vivienda es el sitio en el que converge toda la familia y es también el sitio por excelencia para reunirse, vivir y convivir,
La seguridad de tu casa, tu negocio o bienes personales, son muy destacables. Los cerrajeros Alicante dan, el servicio superior de cerrajería para proteger lo más apreciado que han constituido a lo largo de los años, preocupándose sobre todo por tu familia y tus bienes. Estamos trabajando con productos de altísima calidad para que estés asegurado las 24 horas al día, a lo largo de los todo el año. Los cerrajeros Alicante nos esforzamos todos los días para tener los mejores artículos, pero sobre todo, para sugerir un increíble servicio a nuestros usuarios., ya que tu agrado, es nuestro agrado

Mejorando la cerrajería, cerrajeros en Alicante

Lo más importante para los cerrajeros en Alicante es la responsabilidad y el compromiso que se debe tener al instante de amparar tu vivienda más que nada lo que tenga que ver con el sector de la cerrajería específicamente. Todo lo que esta relacionado con la cerrajería lo podrás encontrar gracias a tus cerrajeros en Alicante, además hacemos llaves codificadas, colocación de puertas metálicas, persianas metálicas, instalación de cerramientos, puertas automáticas y muchísimo más. Trabajamos con las mejores marcas del mercado como Fac, Azbe, Cisa, Fichet y Tesa, todo con la preferible garantía y calidad en nuestros trabajos. Y por si esto fuera poco nuestros cerrajeros en Alicante atienden urgencias por lo cual si requieres cerrajeros en Alicante de urgencia puedes llamarnos en cualquier momento del día, atendiendolo de forma rápida y eficaz.

Automatismos Alicante industriales de cerrajeros Alicante

En automatismos Alicante por tener el personal capacitado en automatismos Alicante el área de los automatismos Alicante nos encontramos disponibles para hacer los cambios de las cerraduras en cualquier clase de puertas que tienen la posibilidad de ser enrollables, correderas, industriales, eléctricas, basculantes y aparte la instalación de motores.

Las mejores marcas de cerraduras en cerrajeros Alicante a tu disposición

En esos instantes que pretendemos hacer algun cambio de cerraduras,tenemos muchas alternativas de las marcas de calidad en el mercado y así con cerrajeros Elcje hacer un trabajo con la calidad que se merece, de manera que su compra no sea en vano.
⦁ Tipos de cerraduras.
⦁ En cerrajeros Alicante Asesoramos qué cerraduras se debe colocar en cada puerta de la casa.
⦁ Consejos de seguridad para tus cerraduras.
Ejemplares de cerraduras
¿Te urge cambiar las cerraduras de tu chalet o disponer de un sistema de seguridad que sea creíble para tu empresa? Cuente con un cerrajero Alicante No dudes en pedir nuestros servicios de Cerrajeros Alicante. Trabajamos con las mejores marcas y toda clase de cerraduras en el mercado: de seguridad, tesa, fac, anti bumping, electrónicas e invisibles. Las tenemos todas, de acuerdo con la exigencia que tengas y la ubicación del ingreso que quieras resguardar. Brindamos las tradicionales cerraduras cilíndricas, sugeridas principalmente, para las puertas principales que dan acceso al exterior de la vivienda, pero si eliges la modernidad, además contamos con cerraduras digitales.. Para el interior de la casa las cerraduras de la puertas son más sencillas como las de embutir. Para las puertas de los baños generalmente son usadas las cerraduras tubulares que tiene como característica el poder cerrarse por dentro de la puerta. Contamos con todos estos tipos de cerraduras y con agradables diseños para hacer la actualización de las piezas viejas o desgastadas que logre haber en tu lugar de vida u oficina. Pregunta a tu cerrajero Alicante por los modelos en stock, que con gusto te ayudaremos.

Servicio urgencia en cerrajeros Alicante las 24h
No te inquietes más intentando encontrar cerrajeros Alicante 24 horas baratos, ya que puedes contactarnos para cualquier urgencia y atenderemos cualquier solicitud con total responsabilidad y deber y prontitud. Te aconsejamos qué clase de cerradura hay que utilizar en cada asitio de la casa
⦁ Puerta exterior: Para estas puertas son sugeridas las cerraduras más seguras como las multipunto, aunque es muy común el uso de cerraduras cilíndricas.
⦁ Puertas de habitaciones y baños: Aquí el tipo de cerradura más común es la tubular, puesto que facilita ser clausurada desde adentro y abrirla además sin llave desde el interior.
⦁ Puertas de patios y jardines: Estas puertas frecuentemente son de metal, por lo cual las más recomendables son las cerraduras de sobreponer.
Otros lugares de la casa: Si es una habitación que requiere mayor seguridad como una oficina o un refugio sugerimos usar una cerradura digital, pero si no, se puede usar también cerraduras de embutir así mismo, el conjunto de trabajadores con demasiada habilidad de cerrajeros Alicante 24 horas te podrán brindar toda la guía necesaria para que tus cerraduras duren mucho tiempo y de esta forma sea un gasto de valga la pena;
⦁ Mantener lubricada la cerradura en todo momento posible.
⦁ Evitar los golpes.
⦁ Mantener alejada de polvo y otras sustancias que impiden su buen funcionamiento

Instalación de cerraduras por cerrajeros Alicante
Siempre sus cerrajeros Alicante le aconsejamos a nuestros usuarios que instalen cerraduras de excelente calidad como las antibumping, las cuales contienen entre otros, sistemas de seguridad, escenarios de custodia anti taladro, anti ganzúa, anti bump, también posee un cilindro protegido contra la rotura mediante una barra de acero de gran dureza; además posee copia de llaves y cilindros protegidos desde la tarjeta de propiedad.

Cerrajeros baratos en Alicante

Tratamos de ajustarnos a tus necesidades y presupuesto de manera que logres tener la instalación de artículos de calidad siendo asi los cerrajeros baratos Alicante , a precios económicos. Nuestra calidad en cerrajeros baratos Alicante es de las más altas del mercado porque estamos conscientes de la necesidad de residir excelente atención al mejor precio. Con nosotros cerrajeros baratos Alicante, lo barato no sale nada caro.

¿no te funciona bien la cerradura? En cerrajeros Alicante las reparamos

Si sus cerraduras no están marchando como deseabas, los Cerrajeros Alicante están experimentados para hacer cualquier tipo de reparación y ponerlas como nuevas. Comprobamos el mecanismo de la parte, desmontando y mirando en qué estado se encuentra. Si miramos que puede ser arreglada, continuamos a engrasar, limpiar o llevar a cabo algún cambio de alguna parte. Como usuario de cerrajeros Alicante puedes contar con la seguridad que si reparamos tus cerraduras van a estar como nuevas de forma que no tendrás porqué comprar otra. Estate seguro de cerrajeros Alicante que te vamos a brindar un servicio vanguardista para cualquier problema que se te presente en el área de la cerrajería, ya sea reparando o cambiando la pieza.

¿Miedo a los robos? Tu cerrajero Alicante te aconseja

El método bumping es el que más utilizan los ladrones, ya que conocen bien que tienen un 90% de probabilidades a la hora de abrir una puerta en las viviendas y oficinas, incluyendo las cerraduras de seguridad. Los ladrones tienen en cuenta emplear este método porque están conscientes que pueden liberar el sistema de cerraduras y entrar en la casa o negocio. En Cerrajeros Alicante tenemos un sistema anti-bumping que permite omitir los robos y ofrecer seguridad al sitio. Te podemos ofrecer la oportunidad de colocar puertas acorazadas con cerraduras anti-bumping. Este cilindro garantiza que la apertura por la técnica bumping acabe muy difícil para el entrometido. Tenemos una serie de cilindros de alta calidad anti-bumping, para puertas acorazadas, que garantizan un complicado o irrealizable ingreso del ladrón en la vivienda o local.
Para Instalar un cerrojo cuenta con cerrajeros Alicante cualificados

En Alicante existe la oportunidad de instalar un segundo cerrojo para una mayor seguridad y garantizar un sistema en contra de los robos. Así, si la puerta ya cuenta con una cerradura FAC, por ejemplo, podemos adicionar una segunda cerradura marca Lince. Este tipo de instalación es uno de los más solicitados por nuestros clientes, ya que establece un nivel extra de seguridad muy dificil de violentar.

En cerrajeros Alicante te cambiamos los bombines y aconsejamos

Necesitas realizar cambio de bombin especializados en la seguridad contra robos? ¿tus cilindros ya están desgastados? En Cerrajeros Alicante te recomendamos los bombines tesla, ya que, en cuanto a la calidad de los materiales y su funcionamiento, resaltan fácilmente. Poseemos en cerrajeros Alicante años de vivencias poniendo bombines de extrema seguridad y conocemos lo qué es preferible para nuestros usuarios.
Puedes sentirte tranquilo al confiar en nosotros ya que nuestro compromiso es ayudar a nuestros clientes.

En Cerrajeros Alicante estamos trabajando para empresas pequeñas, medianas y enormes y en situaciones que necesitan demasiada urgencia o con previa planificación.

Realizamos aperturas de transportes, cajas fuertes, puertas y sin dañarlas y es que sabemos el precaución que necesitan. Tu seguridad merece ser tratada por una empresa seria y es que estamos para servirte.

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De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 19:41

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 19:42

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 19:42

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 19:42

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 19:42

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: espn.com/activate Fecha: 2019-10-31 12:11

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