Bitàcora sobre la disciplina urbanística a les Illes Balears
Inicio > Historias > Las vallas publicitarias ilegales se han triplicado en la autovía del aeropuerto de Ibiza desde 2002

Las vallas publicitarias ilegales se han triplicado en la autovía del aeropuerto de Ibiza desde 2002

(Diario de Ibiza, 21/08/2019)

El Consell anuncia que eliminará prácticamente la totalidad de las vallas porque «todas o casi todas son ilegales»

Joan Lluís Ferrer. Como si de una plaga se tratase, las vallas publicitarias no paran de multiplicarse en la isla de Ibiza, sobre todo en su mitad sur. Ya no se trata de paneles individuales, sino que incluso se montan en inacabables baterías horizontales, incorporan iluminación y ocupan lugares donde antes no había. El Consell anuncia que va a suprimirlas prácticamente todas.

Las vallas publicitarias siguen propagándose sin control en el suelo rústico de la isla de Ibiza ante la pasividad de las instituciones responsables. Según un cómputo efectuado por este diario en los últimos días en las principales vías ibicencas, a día de hoy hay instaladas 270 vallas en las carreteras de Ibiza a Sant Antoni, de Ibiza al aeropuerto, el primero y segundo cinturones de ronda y la carretera de Santa Eulària. Esto representa un aumento considerable respecto a las 171 que había instaladas hace 17 años, según figura en un estudio que realizó en 2002 el Grup d'Estudis de la Naturalesa (GEN) sobre el particular y donde se detallaba el número de paneles carretera por carretera. (Mira aquí las fotos de las vallas que pueblan la isla)

Comparando los datos de aquél informe -que fue entregado al Consell para que impulsara la retirada de estos paneles-, con la realidad existente actualmente, se aprecia que las dos vías donde más ha aumentado el número de vallas son la autovía del aeropuerto y la de Sant Antoni.

En la primera de ellas hay nada menos que 91 vallas (muchas agrupadas en batería formando un solo cuerpo), lo que representa un promedio de 15 vallas por kilómetro en este tramo que va desde Can Sifre hasta el aeropuerto. Hace 17 años su número era de 34, por lo que el aumento ha sido del 167%.

En la autovía de Sant Antoni se acumulan ya 90 vallas, es decir, seis por kilómetro. La mayor parte de ellas (69) se concentran en el tramo Vila-Sant Rafel.

En el primer cinturón de ronda de Vila existen 50 vallas publicitarias, es decir, 16 por cada kilómetro, mientras que en el segundo cinturón hay 32.

La vigente Ley de Carreteras de Balears y el Plan Territorial Insular impiden la instalación de este tipo de infraestructuras en suelo rústico (que es donde están casi todas) y en los márgenes de las carreteras, pero este tipo de elementos siguen multiplicándose en el paisaje insular. En los últimos años, solo se han desmantelado las que había en ses Feixes des Prat de Vila y una veintena más en Vila en el último mandato municipal.

La concejala de Urbanismo de Vila, Elena López, explicó que la suspensión del PGOU ha dejado en el aire la tramitación de los expedientes sancionadores contra las restantes vallas ilegales contabilizadas en el municipio. «El plan de 1987 [el que ahora está en vigor en Vila] no tiene unas normas claras sobre este tema», afirmó López, por lo que no es posible actuar contra ellas desde el Ayuntamiento. «Además, fue suspenderse el nuevo PGOU y empezar a ponerse vallas nuevas», añadió. Por ello, pide ayuda al Consell de Ibiza, «que sí puede actuar a través de la Ley de Urbanismo de Balears», señaló [Nota de Disúrbia: res de tot això té cap sentit...]. De hecho, este asunto se trató en una reunión la semana pasada entre Vila y el Consell para coordinarse al respecto.

Una plaga

En Sant Josep, donde el fenómeno adquiere ya la condición de verdadera plaga, el alcalde, Josep Marí Ribas, admitió ayer que «muy pocas vallas tienen licencia», a pesar de que durante el mandato de Neus Marí (PP) se aprobó una ordenanza municipal que preveía legalizar estos soportes y, además, les permitía colocarse en batería, tener iluminación y otras cuestiones. De todos modos, la mayoría son ilegalizables al situarse en suelo rústico.

Marí Ribas admitió que «hay demasiadas vallas, es una exageración», y reconoció que desde el Ayuntamiento no se ha actuado con eficacia al respecto. En realidad, también él considera que el asunto compete sobre todo al Consell de Ibiza, al estar casi todas ellas o bien en los márgenes de la carretera o en suelo rústico [Nota de Disúrbia: vol dir que el sòl rústic comú no és de competència municipal? O només quan convé?]. «El Consell en su momento hizo algún intento, pero no sé si dio mucho resultado», añadió.

Además, desde hace unos años las vallas han empezado a incorporar iluminación mediante focos, lo que incrementa la contaminación lumínica de la isla. Muchas de ellas incluso montan rótulos luminosos de gran potencia en su parte superior.

Consell: «Todas o casi todas son ilegales; se han de quitar»
«Es tan simple como hacer cumplir la ley», afirma el conseller insular de Urbanismo, Mariano Juan

El conseller insular de Urbanismo, Mariano Juan, afirmó: «Todos estamos de acuerdo en que las vallas publicitarias en suelo rústico o junto a las carreteras no deben existir. O todas o casi todas son ilegales y se han de eliminar. Es algo tan simple como hacer cumplir la ley».

Mariano Juan aludió también a «cuestiones de seguridad» para el tráfico viario, puesto que «la publicidad al lado de las carreteras distrae al conductor».

El conseller afirmó que «la mayoría de las vallas podrán atacarse a través de la normativa de carreteras, aunque otras habrá que combatirlas a través del Plan Territorial Insular. Se usará en cada caso una vía u otra».

A la pregunta de cuándo empezarán a abrirse expedientes, el responsable de Urbanismo dijo que esto se hará a través de la nueva Oficina Anti Intrusismo [Nota de Disúrbia: què???] que empezará a funcionar en septiembre. «Quiero sacar este tema de la oficina de Carreteras y pasarlo a la de Anti Intrusismo», explicó.

También expresó sus dudas de que, como sostienen algunos ayuntamientos, sea necesario abrir un expediente separado por cada valla, por lo que estudiará actuar por lotes «si el propietario es el mismo». El Consell también tiene previsto suspender cautelarmente el uso de las vallas, es decir, su explotación comercial y colocación de anuncios, mientras se efectúa la tramitación del expediente.

Referencias (TrackBacks)

URL de trackback de esta historia http://disurbia.blogalia.com//trackbacks/77984


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n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 20:07

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 20:07

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 20:07

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

De: QB Pro Advisors Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-10-28 20:07

n an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
This company is a scam artist.
First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at spoof@intuit.com, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.

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