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Sant Josep: el titular de la casa de Puig d´en Serra tiene hasta el día 30 para dejar entrar al perito

(Diario de Ibiza, 5/11/2011)

REDACCIÓN | IBIZA. El juzgado de lo Contencioso número 3 de Palma ha dictado un auto por el cual pone el 30 de este mes como fecha tope para que la propiedad ilegal de la casa de Puig d´en Serra facilite el acceso a su interior del perito judicial que debe hacer un informe sobre su valor. En el caso de que esto no ocurriera, quedaría sin efecto el auto anterior que paralizó la demolición. El Consistorio espera que el perito pueda hacer su trabajo en el plazo marcado para proceder, acto seguido, al derribo del inmueble.

2011-11-05 | Etiquetes: , , | Categories: Eivissa i Formentera | Enllaç

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De: Aliie Fecha: 2019-01-24 08:08

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De: www.office.com/setup Fecha: 2019-06-12 19:57

mcafee.com/activate registered trademarks, company names, product names and brand names are the property of their respective owners, and www.mcafee.com/activate disclaims any ownership in such third-party marks. The use of any third party trademarks, logos, or brand names is for informational purposes only, and does not imply an endorsement by mfmcafee.com or vice versa or that such trademark owner has authorized mfmcafee.com to promote its products or services.

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De: www.office.com/setup Fecha: 2019-06-18 20:38

Microsoft Office is fundamental efficiency programming created by the global mechanical organization Microsoft. Microsoft office/MS Office is produced by the Microsoft. The product was first presented on first August 1988 by Bill Gates in Las Vegas. At the point when Microsoft office was first presented, its primary rendition contained Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Power point. Following couple of long stretches of the arrival of Microsoft Office turn into a business programming and billion of individuals are utilizing this by downloading the Microsoft office setup.

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